sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2018

Please don't start your settings like this

This is a translation of a post originally published in 2013. More posts in English here.

The world of Perenryn is a planet of 510 072 000 km2 in area of which 70.8 % is watter. It's equatorial radius is 6378.1km and it's gravity is 9.780327 m/s². It's average temperature is 14.05ºC and it's rotation period is of 0.99726968 d. It rotates every 365.2564 around the star Juquetas.

It has two moons, called Empolit e Inaignon. Empolit's area is 38 million square kilometers and Inaignon's is 33 square kilometers. It takes aproximately 28 for Empolit to go around Perenryn, while Inaignon takes 42.

Juquetas, the sun, is actually a binary star made of Juquetas A and Juquetas B. A is the brightest one, a yellow dwarf, while B is a younger orange star, although not too much.

The planet the closest to Juquetas is Clevat, of 7.5 x 107 km2 of area, 5.43 g/cm2 of density and axial inclination of 0º.

After it comes Ghalyecer, a blue planet of 1,850º of inclination, 777.96 days of orbital period and an excentricity of 0.093315. Locals think that it is the home of the god of boredom Oldinaris and, at night, it is observed by insomniac to try and fall asleep. It has three moons: Smidwar, Thraiqim and Choisden, that is also the name of the minor goddess of long and unnecessary descriptions, consort of Oldinaris.

The third planet from Juquetas is Shaylend. It's escape velocity is 10.36 km/s, it's albedo is 0,65 and it's atmospheric preassure is 9321,9 kPa. It has no moons. Some scholars suspect it does, though, but nobody really cares.

The fourth planet ys Perenryn, that, if you remember is our world. After it there is an asteroid belt.

Now let's discuss the gas giants and dwardf planets.

[... 8 pages later]

And now that I have given you that rant that won't be relevant ever again, we can discuss the actual setting.

Please don't. Valmar Cerenor!

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