sábado, 2 de febrero de 2019

The egg of all spiders

This is a translation of a post originally published in 2015. More posts in English here.

At first glance this looks like a big egg (ostrich-sized, two hands are needed to grab it firmly) made of what appears to be gold, skillfully carved with images of children playing with big spiders. On closer inspection, the material feels more like ceramic and seems relatively fragile.

Never touch the egg.
If any female humanoid (regardless of age or physical condition) touches the egg, she will get pregnant with spiders. It's not a real pregnancy., but during 1d4+2 days she will feel progressively more awful, her belly will distend and grow and, eventually, a myriad of spiders will come out through the usual way. This process is harmless, but painful and horrific. A female can be affected by the egg several times.

If any male humanoid touches the egg, from now on he will find any food utterly disgusting. He will be able to swallow a meal only through sheer willpower. After 1d8 hours, he will lose his mind and will try to feed any female "pregnant" with the egg by any means necessary. He will first use edible stuff, but if there's none nearby he will try to make her swallow even rocks and dirt. He will tie or find some other way to immobilize the female if she resists. He will still be able to think straight about any other regard and he will be utterly confused if anyone were to suggest that he is not doing the right thing.

The egg has no effect in any other creature.

Never shed blood on the egg.
If blood ever touches the egg, it dissolves, like when hot water is poured over ice. The resultant liquid is highly corrosive, specially to organic matter.

If enough blood is applied, the shell will open to reveal that is full of a black fluid, which smells like decomposing meat. The egg will only retain its horrible properties if more than half of it is filled with this liquid.

The black fluid is harmless outside the egg (but see below) unless ingested, as it is highly toxic.

Never break the egg.
The egg can be broken by force and it is as fragile as pottery.

If the egg is broken, it will emit a loud shriek and any creature nearby will be totally disoriented for a moment. Also, any person that has ever touched the egg will bleed from the body part that made
contact with it for 2d6x10 minutes. Finally, any humanoid fetus in two square miles will mutate horribly and will make its way out of the womb biting and eating. These creatures will try to eat any flesh in sight after they have killed their mothers.

Never spill the egg's fluid.
If the fluid gets in contact with air, all arachnids in two square miles will gather around the egg and drink it. They will mutate and start to secrete more black fluid and some nasty matter, the former to
refill the egg, and the latter to repair the shell. To obtain the energy needed to perform these activities they will consume almost all organic matter in the proximities, dead or alive. After that effort, they will die exhausted.

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